planning irfan’s activities

Irfan is now 2 years old and he reach the stage where he is very active and eager to learn new things. most of the time i just let he plays with toys he has around but he is getting easily bored. some of the time i let him watch his favorite movies or youtube cartoons. lately he start to get attached with watching cartoons on laptop and tv and i feel that i should do something to encourage him to learn.

so i been browsing around looking for activities suitable for 2years old and i found is one of most resourceful website on kids activities. Here some of activities that i been interested to give irfan a try:


1) ย spray paints

irfan love playing with spray bottle that we usually used during ironing. adding colors will be added the fun!


2)colored glue collage

glue and collage! this could be fun! thinking that natural starch glue could work too. *searching for recipe*


3) imagination bowl using sand

Weekly Kid’s Co-Op…Vroom, Beep, Zoom! Imagination Bowl for Babies!

i did purchase kinetic sand long ago and i will put him in large pool at outside so he can do all the mess! hehe that make me easier to clean it up. this is very good alternatives for whom that might be worry that your kids will eating the sand.. they just used some box of any baby cereal! that is genius!

4) food necklace

eeek! this make me excited because irfan have issue eating his fruits and vege and i’ve been trying pursue eating them. this could be one of way to encourage him and make him think the grapes is fun for play and eat! need to hit the store to buy more fruits!

5) pre-writing using playdough

Easy Pre-Writing Ideas for Alphabet Learning with Playdough


irfan now can count 1-10 but he still mess up his A-B-C. so this could help him remember and write alphabets. you can also do your own playdough from flour and water too.

6) learning how to measure

i never thought measure could be so much fun! and irfan have so many cars collections, it will be fun for him to measure his own cars! they also share other ideas using measuring cup.

i will share some picture when i successfully play all the activities with irfan later on. let me know and share pictures if you did some of the activities too! and i would love your activity ideas too!do share:)

may i a perfect mom?

i used to think that my mom is perfect.. she can pack us breakfast before school, do dinner everytime she went back from work, she even do all the house chores. I used to dream i could be super mom like her too when i have kid on my own one day.

so when irfan is born, i feel like the urge of perfectionist.. i need to do everything perfect for him.. i read every books, every website about parenting and i feel responsible to obey every rules. and there are peer pressure when people around you keep telling you what and what not to do. it is not easy.. as first mom.. even my husband and i have few misunderstanding about it.

it is not easy, i keep thinking if i am good mother as i wish i will be. will i be bad mother if i give him pacifier, am i bad for letting him cry out loud and the list are endless!


as irfan grows up, i find that he is a happy kid as he is.. he will be happy when i just hug him, he will be just happy if i come back home with his biggest smile, he is happy to call me as his mama

and make me realize maybe i am trying too hard on myself

and maybe i should stop thinking to be perfect

I am irfan’s perfect mom, at least in his eyes and that should be enough:)

i love your irfan more than you know

Irfan and solid feeding

**repost from**

alhamdulillah, i feel i am one of lucky mom when irfan have no difficulty in food. its been almost 1 month since i start solid feeding and i can say irfan eats everything i gave him! boy! he is one hungry boy:)

I google and buy book on recipe for reference as i have no idea on what/how to give solid feeding. I found these website very helpful!

Home Page

and because i am super excited mom, i bought this book

his first puree is apple. his first expression looks weird, maybe try to adjust with new skills then he finish up his puree! yey my good boy! i do sometime follow 4days wait rules as irfan has allergy but alhamdulillah no sign of allergy except during i gave him store bought cereal last week. it seems the cereal has cow’s milk and irfan allergic to that. so its means irfan just eat mama’s cooking! haha

some of food i tried on irfan:

apple – not his liking but he loves if i mix with other fruits like pears/banana
pear – he loves this very much especially fragrance pear
mango – he like it but not the sour
grapes – he loves it if we put in his food feeder

potato – his favorite
carrot – his favorite
broccoli – ok if mix with carrot, not alone
pumpkin – he like it but pumpkin seems to be gassy for him

i also gave him rusk biscuit (heinz/milna), finger biscuit (heinz/pureen), bottle puree (heinz). he loves if he can hold his food, so i gave hime most of biscuit and some fruits in his food feeder

yeah i am pretty excited mom actually handling this solid feeding

formula milk

note: re-post from

Irfan drink his milk quite a lot. I need to supply him 3-4oz per milk session when my MIL taking care of him which means 16-20oz daily. As he reach 6 months old and my milk supply start decreasing (blame on work and inconsistency pumping) , milk alone is not enough to sustain his hunger anymore. So i start giving him solid feeding and formula milk. To tell the truth, i feel so sad when i have to give him formula as I really wish I could continue fully breastfeeding until irfan reached 1 year old (at least) but looking him getting thinner make my mother feeling sadder. Hence, i put my ego and believe i could still breastfeeding and perhaps one day fully breastfeeding. at least I tried my best and continue breastfeeding:).

we consulted Irfan’s pediatrician as he has eczema and possible allergy toward cow’s milk (i just know that i have the same allergy when i was less than 1 years old) on what kind of fm will be suitable for him. so doctor recommend few types of fm that we can try

a) Hypoallergy (HA) milk – only 2 brands available (Enfalac, Nan Pro)
b) soymilk – few brands isomil, similac, etc

So we tried Nan Pro HA for few days. He drank for first day and refuse on next day. Finally, we found that irfan like goat’s milk better so we gladly change to goat’s milk with below consideration

a) goat’s milk are sweeter than cow’s milk
b) goat’s milk is 2nd best choice after mum’s milk
c) one of sunnah food
d) low lactose intolerance compare to cow’s milk
e) most importantly, low effect on irfan’s allergy

we used Karrihome brand and alhamdulillah it works wonder for us:)

as for now, i still keep milk supply for him and goat’s milk will be addition on insufficient milk during his stay at MIL.:)

I love sewing. Still

I am back to sewing!! Woohoo and i feel happy. I’ve been juggling with motherhood for almost 2 years. Focusing most of it to my little baby irfan which is not so baby anymore. He will be 2years old this coming september! Wow he is growing up so fast and becoming independant toddler. Make mama wanna cry now T_T. Me and epul figure out we both need our own ‘me’ time and ‘we’ time. Epul start his cycling hobby which is his hobby once upon a time. I agree he should have something to do..and he agrees i can have more time indulge my time with sewing!

Irfan already talk few words and he understand many things nowdays. I keep amazed how wonderful boy he has become and amazed how i can love and love this little man. He looks so much like epul but he is so me in many ways. I hope i do this motherhood thingy right haha


So cheeky this little man..

Back to my sewing story.i still do sew so small stuff and mostly irfan’s like his short pants, pillow cover, blanket, hat, small pouch and else. I keep looking at my stash..and O.M.G! I keep pilling up and nothing productive come out. Even my sewing area become dust.


Yeh..this is only half of my collectionT_T

So i slowly crawl to my sewing machine that i ignored for so long..start sewing.. small things..not too complicated.. here some sewing stuffs i’ve made lately that i remembered to take picture…





Right now,i have few custom orders from my friends. Not taking too much custom orders as i only have limited time. I start making readystocks…like hats, blanket, etc.. i put most of it in my instagram.feel free to follow me @sikurus . I am figure out to fire up my etsy shop back. Let’s see how it goes hehe so wish me luck! Maybe i should
writing in this blog again haha we shall see..

See u again


I love sewing. Still

I am back to sewing!! Woohoo and i feel happy. I’ve been juggling with motherhood for almost 2 years. Focusing most of it to my little baby irfan which is not so baby anymore. He will be 2years old this coming september! Wow he is growing up so fast and becoming independant toddler. Make mama wanna cry now T_T. Me and epul figure out we both need our own ‘me’ time and ‘we’ time. Epul start his cycling hobby which is his hobby once upon a time. I agree he should have something to do..and he agrees i can have more time indulge my time with sewing!

Irfan already talk few words and he understand many things nowdays. I keep amazed how wonderful boy he has become and amazed how i can love and love this little man. He looks so much like epul but he is so me in many ways. I hope i do this motherhood thingy right haha

So cheeky this little man..

Back to my sewing story.i still do sew so small stuff and mostly irfan’s like his short pants, pillow cover, blanket, hat, small pouch and else. I keep looking at my stash..and O.M.G! I keep pilling up and nothing productive come out. Even my sewing area become dust.


Yeh..this is only half of my collectionT_T

So i slowly crawl to my sewing machine that i ignored for so long..start sewing.. small things..not too complicated.. here some sewing stuffs i’ve made lately that i remembered to take picture…

Right now,i have few custom orders from my friends. Not taking too much custom orders as i only have limited time. I start making readystocks…like hats, blanket, etc.. i put most of it in my instagram.feel free to follow me @sikurus . I am figure out to fire up my etsy shop back. Let’s see how it goes hehe so wish me luck! Maybe i should
writing in this blog again haha we shall see..

See u again


22 minggu, alhamdulillah :)

pejam celik dah hampir 6bulan mendirikan rumahtangga bersama suami tersayang dan alhamdulillah, Allah yang Maha Kaya melimpahi kami dengan rezeki zuriat lebih awal dari yang kami rancangkan. Rasa macam baru tak berapa lama dulu sibuk menyiapkan diri untuk menjadi isteri.. kini menyiapkan diri untuk menjadi Ibu pulak! hehe alhamdulillah dh hampir separuh perjalanan menjadi “mak buyung” dan semuanya baik. Kalau nak kata tak ‘excited’ tu memang tak logik, lagi-lagi ini cucu pertama buat mak! bukan main ‘happy’ lagi! hehe yang paling terharu bila “si kecil” dah mula “berkungfu ” dalam perut dan kawan-kawan pon very ‘supportive’. Semoga perjalanan lagi 18minggu ni akan berjalan dengan sebaik2nya:)

ha! kalau ada tips bole la share:) biasala baru pertama kali ni nak jadi ibu..

Turning to new leaf :)

hi all! been quite sometime from updating this blog. some fast update!


1) alhamdulillah it been 1 year since i worked ๐Ÿ™‚
2) been in tough early this year but alhamdulillah everything seems okay
3) I’m engaged and will getting marry soon, insyaALLAH. ๐Ÿ™‚

so basically i’m super busy with the wedding preparation apart from work. if you keen to know on my wedding update, do visit my tumblr

other than that, i celebrated Raya as usual with my family but this will be last raya as single woman. kind of having weird feeling haha so I want to wish all of you SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!! i am truly apologizing for any misinformation, wrong impression, hurtful saying, or any way my behavior inflict any of you. I hope i will become better person and improve myself. Maaf zahir and batin. Halalkan makan dan minum ku ๐Ÿ™‚

thank you!

I’m clueless please help

I’m trying hard to find the light to lead me to brighter day
I’m trying hard to look for day so all these, were past

I’m trying hard to know the clue on how to solve the riddle
I’m trying hard to fill myself with courage so I can speak and face you

Please ALLAH let me find the way…

Hidup bagaikan roda

Pernah dengar perumpamaan bahasa mengenai hidup ini seperti RODA? yang kadang-kadang kita berada di atas dan kadang-kadang berada di bawah. Maknanya kadang-kadang kehidupan kita senang dan bahagia tapi kadang-kadang tu sebaliknya.

Life is never easy. Kehidupan itu sementara dan ujian.

Setiap senyuman itu tidak selalunya bermaksud keriangan. kerana sebalik senyuman itu pasti ada keperitan.